Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Perfect Pet

Steve is a toad that lives in our front yard garden.  Dave and I have voted him the perfect pet.  He feeds himself, keeps his own room clean, makes his own home, keeps the bugs away, and puts up with us taking his picture.  I'm sure you can tell from his picture that he is absolutely full of personality.  Steve treats us the same way a cat would; ignores us, comes around only to have food, uses the yard as he pleases, makes weird noises when he is happy, tolerates us taking his picture, and otherwise pretends we don't exist.  Last week he went on a vacation to cavort with other toads, hang with the tadpoles, drink muddy water mixed drinks, and eat fireflies.  He gives a whole new meaning to being a "toad." 


Elizabeth Reid said...

Woot! You posted something! I can't wait to see your pet when I visit in a few months. Maybe seeing what a good pet you have will convince Marco that pets aren't all bad. :)

Anonymous said...

I found you! Thank goodness your web address was easy to remember. Hope we can meet Steve sometime...guess we'll have to catch him when he's not out with the ladies on a Saturday night. That toadstur.